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Rain or shine, the musings, rants, raves, hopes, dreams and nightmares of an aspiring servant of Yeshua HaMaschiach.
To save loading time, and for a seasonal
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Posted by
11:03 PM
She loved The Wizard Of Oz,
and dancing in red dancing shoes.
Sweet as a southern peach,
Golden girl, eyes of blue.
She left to celebrate,
A deluxe vacation, long awaited.
She never came home again.
Leaving a nation devastated.
She was just one kid,
out of thousands who die each day,
Yet, this mystery captivated
the entire country.
While thousands of troops were being
blown away, the news played to Natalee
I pray for the troops, to come home,
I pray that Natalee can finally be found,
I pray that she goes home to Alabama,
to her final resting place.
Here's a beautiful tribute to this little
lady, who never got to use her
scholarship, or wear her new clothes
set aside for her first week of college.
I am comforted knowing Natalee, as
a Christian girl is in a better place.
She may get to dance with Jesus,
(not to be blasphemous...)
I pray that her bones can come home.
Even knowing that it won't bring her back.
One day, the faithful will be reunited,
and tears will transform into laughter.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, please
bring closure in this case, and let them
find Natalee. Amen.
Posted by
8:53 PM
I'm a brand new democrat, and I have the
religious zeal of a baby Christian. The catalyst
for my conversion is a woman who I have
always admired: Hillary Clinton.
My passion to help her attain the Presidency
is feverish. I haven't been this riled up since
I was a President of the Young Republicans
in High School, before I could even vote.
I've never voted for a Democrat.
My mom was a Democrat and my dad
was a Republican. Elections were always
a tense time, since mom and dad cancelled
eachother out. That's probably why my
becoming a Republican meant so much to
dad. I was voting for the family!
Hillary's presidency would revolutionize
this country. With the Clinton's charisma
and great relationship with world leaders,
it's the best chance we have to stabilize the
world for the time we're living in. She's
made it clear that Bill would be a foreign
ambassador, and combined with her
committment to Health Care IN AMERICA,
(not Africa) people like me, without health
care, would finally be counted.Al Sharpton is a minister of HATE, RACISM, and he's a disgrace.
This picture is worth 1,000,000,0000 words.
Obama has zero history, and seeing him
hugging Al Sharpton made me literally ill.
If Obama or John Edwards, or the false
prophet, AL GORE (AAAAGH) get the
nomination, I will change my voter
registration to Independent, and probably
vote for whatever Republican they give us.This reminds me of the Antichrist....
It's a shame because this country
needs a change,but, Edwards, Gore,
and Osama Hussein would be a
nightmare,' imo.Gore is the false prophet.
Edwards cares more about his hair than the working
class, without health care, and whose backs are being
We're living in scary times, and that's
why I am praying for Hillary to win
the nomination. If she gets nominated,
she's going to win. I am just one vote,
but, I represent thousands of ex-Republican
women who are campaigning for Hillary.We can have Camelot or Hell.
Posted by
4:22 PM
I've simply had it with raging hypocritical celebrities,
like the disgusting and insane Sheryl Crow, with her celebrity
lifestyle, humongous home, cars, and jetset life. She feels
that OTHERS should only be entitled to one single square
of toilet tissue, to save the environment, that pieces of shit
like her are ruining with their planes, cars, huge homes,
and many vehicles.
Like the other Hollywood insane asylum, none of these
imperatives relate to her, personally, since there is no
outward sign that she lives modestly. She wants the
downtrodden classes, who buy her lousy songs, and
support her extravagant worthless life to now cut back
on toilet paper.
Well, Sheryl Crow has proven what a piece of shit
she is, and one that takes a forest worth of trees
to wipe off.
It's time that ordinary people recognize what satanic
jerks these loudmouthed insane stars are, and turn off
their sound, stop buying their product, and laugh them
off the planet.
If she is so concerned about saving the planet, then, the
next breast of hers that gets cancer, she should just treat
it with organic rice, and allow nature to take it's course.
With her death, it will be one less square each poop that
can be shared with someone who matters.
Just when I thought I heard it all from the rich, decadent
and famous, we are treated to this raging hypocrite.
Satanists are easy to spot, and hypocrites are fun to mock.
Posted by
9:05 AM
To save the Earth, don't ask Al Gore, please.
I implore, it's not carbon dioxide or the trees.
To seek the truth, look to the bees.
How many BIG cars do the Gores drive?
What is the source of their massive wealth?
How many limos and planes each day do they partake?
He would be on a bicycle, and living in a small place,
if he practiced what he preaches.
All who fall into the pit of lies he teaches,
will be ashamed.
Don't be fooled by a raging hypocrite,
whose science is The Apocrypha.
Besides, it's FREEZING this Spring.
Global warming? Oh no!.
It's snowing!!! D'oh!
Look to God, and become a believer.
Don't follow demonic deceivers.
Ask the Angels who control the winds.
Don't look to the man of sin.
We will see the chariots of heaven,
and New Jerusalem will arive.
Believe in Jesus : Get a ticket to ride
Our News Age is flawed.
We are drowning in the vomit of demons,
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,
Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
Drink more, snort some more.
Forget the reality of nuclear war.
Pretend Jihad will go away because it's an
inconvenient truth..
We need God, our Savior.
So, the demon is here, big deal,
straight from the pit.
You can see his apostles six six six,
The false prophets:Losers, Liars, Hypocrites!
Our redemption is nigh:
Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ,
and puts their trust in him today, will be saved.
Forget all these green catchy phrases,
They are diversions, not solutions.
Look up to heaven, past the trees,
and if you need an intuitive voice:
Call the bees.
The harvest is here.
Posted by
9:27 PM