Don't ask Al Gore. Ask the Bees.
To save the Earth, don't ask Al Gore, please.
I implore, it's not carbon dioxide or the trees.
To seek the truth, look to the bees.
How many BIG cars do the Gores drive?
What is the source of their massive wealth?
How many limos and planes each day do they partake?
He would be on a bicycle, and living in a small place,
if he practiced what he preaches.
All who fall into the pit of lies he teaches,
will be ashamed.
Don't be fooled by a raging hypocrite,
whose science is The Apocrypha.
Besides, it's FREEZING this Spring.
Global warming? Oh no!.
It's snowing!!! D'oh!
Look to God, and become a believer.
Don't follow demonic deceivers.
Ask the Angels who control the winds.
Don't look to the man of sin.
We will see the chariots of heaven,
and New Jerusalem will arive.
Believe in Jesus : Get a ticket to ride
Our News Age is flawed.
We are drowning in the vomit of demons,
Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,
Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
Drink more, snort some more.
Forget the reality of nuclear war.
Pretend Jihad will go away because it's an
inconvenient truth..
We need God, our Savior.
So, the demon is here, big deal,
straight from the pit.
You can see his apostles six six six,
The false prophets:Losers, Liars, Hypocrites!
Our redemption is nigh:
Anyone who calls on the name of Jesus Christ,
and puts their trust in him today, will be saved.
Forget all these green catchy phrases,
They are diversions, not solutions.
Look up to heaven, past the trees,
and if you need an intuitive voice:
Call the bees.
The harvest is here.