Tuesday, March 27, 2007

John Edwards Should Just Bow Out

I sympathize with John and Elizabeth Edwards,
but, I don't think he has the best intent for his
party. Sure they will engender the sympathy
vote, but, that will only take votes away from
the Democrat's only hope for President, who
I think is Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton can win the Presidency. In
fact, because of my admiration of her, and
belief in her leadership, I have changed my
voter registration.

I have been a life-long Republican, but, I do
not feel the party still represents the core
values which bound me to the party.

I am a new Democrat, and I plan to campaign
for Hillary. If Edwards messes up her chances,
I'll be back on the Republican side, as well as
thousands like me.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwards: Stay home and take care
of the cancer. Stay out of politics. Your presence
is more harmful than good politics. A house divided
cannot stand. If you two love the country, as you
profess, then, you will bow out gracefully, for the
good of the party. Staying in the race is the most
extreme selfishness, and it's transparently wrong.

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