Monday, April 30, 2007

An Ex-Republican's Love Of Hillary Clinton

I'm a brand new democrat, and I have the
religious zeal of a baby Christian. The catalyst
for my conversion is a woman who I have
always admired: Hillary Clinton.

My passion to help her attain the Presidency
is feverish. I haven't been this riled up since
I was a President of the Young Republicans
in High School, before I could even vote.

I've never voted for a Democrat.

My mom was a Democrat and my dad
was a Republican. Elections were always
a tense time, since mom and dad cancelled
eachother out. That's probably why my
becoming a Republican meant so much to
dad. I was voting for the family!

Hillary's presidency would revolutionize
this country. With the Clinton's charisma
and great relationship with world leaders,
it's the best chance we have to stabilize the
world for the time we're living in. She's
made it clear that Bill would be a foreign
ambassador, and combined with her
committment to Health Care IN AMERICA,
(not Africa) people like me, without health
care, would finally be counted.
Al Sharpton is a minister of HATE, RACISM, and he's a disgrace.
This picture is worth 1,000,000,0000 words.

Obama has zero history, and seeing him
hugging Al Sharpton made me literally ill.
If Obama or John Edwards, or the false
prophet, AL GORE (AAAAGH) get the
nomination, I will change my voter
registration to Independent, and probably
vote for whatever Republican they give us.
This reminds me of the Antichrist....

It's a shame because this country
needs a change,but, Edwards, Gore,
and Osama Hussein would be a
nightmare,' imo.

Gore is the false prophet.
Edwards cares more about his hair than the working
class, without health care, and whose backs are being

We're living in scary times, and that's
why I am praying for Hillary to win
the nomination. If she gets nominated,
she's going to win. I am just one vote,
but, I represent thousands of ex-Republican
women who are campaigning for Hillary.
We can have Camelot or Hell.


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