Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm Sick OF Demogogues and False Prophets

I was never a fan of Don Imus, but, the raging
hypocrisy of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, make
his fall a shame. I wish I could defend Imus, but,
he deserved to go, in this day and age, where black
women have finally had an opportunity to reach
their full potential as human beings.

I wish some of these crusaders would take
on the worst ho's like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan,
Britney Spears, who are hijacking a generation
of young middle-American girls. People like the
producer of "Girls Gone Wild" and kiddie porn
networks, like MTV and VH1, also contribute
to the denigration and downfall of the women's

I'm tired of self-serving celebrities, like Madonna
and Angelina Jolie, who go around the world
adopting Third World babies, like pets, then
sell their stories, for millions of dollars. Those
pet children are props for their lack of goodness,
not their true altruism.

Working people in the West are now summoned
to support a massive welfare block in the Third
World. It wouldn't bother me if the aid went to
the suffering masses, instead of their corrupt
leaders, hand in hand with the Western devils
who have the power we see.

Charity begins at home, not in places which
burn us in effigy and chant for our deaths.
It's all diversion, and a sham. It lines their
pockets with money that's green. That's
all they care about, not charity, not global
warming, not anything that will benefit
good people.

Where were the apologies of the very racist
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, to the Duke
Lacrosse players, exonerated this week, while
they were demanding Imus's apology, for a
parallel injustice ? They called for those boys,
collegiate athletes, and honor students,
to be lynched.

They are false prophets, not Christian.
By their works we know them. They serve
Satan, and are the most hideous hypocrites.

All those who jump on Al Gore's demonic train will not
have a ticket to ride, nor will they be safely harbored
to escape the nuclear winter. There is no problem
with global warming, as we see in the coldest
Spring in the record books. There is pollution,
but, these same industrialists, are the ones
who are doing it, not you and me. Their carbon
debt is equivalent to thousands of individuals.
They are sickeningly corrupt.

These luciferian billionaires are imposing a form of
slavery on the working classes. They don't live
according to what they're preaching.

WAKE UP! They are doing the work
of the GREAT BEAST 666.

I want to warn them, but, they'll just mock,
and laugh at what I write, until their eyes see
it for themselves. Then, they'll try to claim that
our LORD, is the reason for the suffering. They'll
blame God, or say New Jerusalem is an alien
trick, like a "War of the Worlds" kind of thing.

It doesn't matter what falsehood they preach.
It's all coming down. Nothing mankind does
will prevent the Day of the Lord, or the
arrival of New Jerusalem.

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