Wednesday, April 11, 2007



(I heard that he came in FIRST this week,
which has pumped me back into the old
Idol fever tonight!)

His rendition of Besame Mucho gave me
chills. His voice was beautiful, but, mainly
it's just him. Something about the way he
smiles, and this inner light inside.

Last night, for another week, the only
bright spot was Sanjaya.

It's so interesting because every guest
star they've had this season, seems to
*get it*. J-Lo's admiration for him was
just as genuine as Tony Bennet and
Diana Ross. I think that says something
about his star quality. You can feel it
bounce off of him.

While Melinda's voice and song was
my favorite last night, I can't get past
looking at her, and I can't overcome
her weird affect. I wonder if she has
Aspergers? (I'm not saying that maliciously,
but, something is flat, and not connected,
for a performer. She's *off* )

She just gives me the creeps, and I don't
know why. It goes beyond her body, which
looks like a turtle in a shell, but, her energy
is a turnoff.

I think it has to do with her early days, when
she proclaimed she hates ALL ANIMALS
and is scared of them. Since then, I see her
as some kind of monster. Who doesn't like
animals? ALL ANIMALS? Isn't that the
sign of a serial killer, or something?

LaKeesha seems like a sweetheart, and
has an okay voice, although last night
was terrible. It's her general appearance
and style, which is gross.

Last night, her boobs were spilling out, and
it was nasty. Her copious loose flesh was hanging
out of a HORRID dress much too small.

It was NASTY! The rolls of loose and gross fat
were shaking, and it was horrible.

Don't these dudes have a stylist policing their
appearance? She is a very unattractive woman,
and unfortunately, she doesn't have the greatest
voice in the world, to overcome that.

She ain't no Queen Latifa or Jennifer Hudson.
They are large, elegant and talented. Actually,
they're both very beautiful. Lakeesha is not.
Her talent simply doesn't compensate.

Jordin Sparks is plain annoying, and she
reminds me of a mixed-race Mikayla Gordon,
who was the worst Idol contestant to make it
to the Final 12. She makes the season feel like
a High School musical of Annie.

It's a turn off for someone my age. Maybe the
kids like her, like they did with Mikayla, but,
her voice is loud, not good.

Thank God, Halley, whose voice is plain horrible,
was finally sent home. The slut factor couldn't make up
for a terrible singing voice. She is a gorgeous girl,
and could be in theater, or other media, but,
please tell her she just cannot sing. She'll never
overcome the lack natural gift. She is a very, very
bad singer.

America got it right tonight, and Sanjaya fever
is infecting the nation.

(*To the tune of My Sharona)
Oooh my little spiffy one, nifty one.
When you gonna send the others home, Sanjaya?:
Oooh you are the only one, the only one.
You're the sparkling star of the year, Sanjaya.
They're never gonna win, give it up.
Such a sad bunch, You're the only star,
gonna go far, Aye aye aye Sanjaya. .

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