Tuesday, October 03, 2006

George W. Bush and Abe Lincoln.

I don't believe George W. Bush is the devil. Far
from it.

After 911, Dubya conferred, with other world
leaders, and tried to abide by the customs, and
protocols, that are necessary. He took action,
when the free world was threatened, and it
required action.
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I think George W. Bush, is a great American President.
In fact, the similarities, to Abraham Lincoln, are so
profound, that it has moved me to tears.

Abraham Lincoln, tried to serve his God, and country,
and fellow man, honoring our Founding Fathers, and
signers of the "Declaration of Independence." He also
felt an urgent need, to rescue the oppressed, and
downtrodden people, and wouldn't tolerate human slavery,
when, all human beings deserve rights, and freedom.

George W. Bush, has maintained, that objective, imo.
He is far from being a dictator, or an Imperialist.
The countries we invade, like Iraq, are the biggest
drain, on the US treasury, and these are welfare
states, for the U.S. taxpayer to sustain. The price
of freedom, for other human beings, is worth it.
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George W. Bush, has expressed, a policy, true to
these missions, of seeding the world, with Democracy,
spreading human rights, as a way of life, to help
insure, that America remains free. His vision doesn't
seem any different, to me, than, Abe Lincoln's, over
a hundred years, ago, and Moses', march to seek a free
land, thousands of years ago. Each generation makes
sacrifices, so, the next will have it better.

It brought George Bush pride, when women, could
finally vote, in Afghanistan, and girl children,
were allowed to be educated.
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I don't care what's politically correct. Bite me,
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The notion, of assassinating Bush, has been strong,
in our modern culture, lately. This was the type of
propaganda, popular, after the bloody aftermath, of
the Civil War, too. Family fortunes, were plundered,
and a generation of young lives were lost. John
Wilkes-Boothe, was their version, of Michael Moore.
There could be another Squeaky Fromme, out there,
dying to prove, "what she would do for love."

Bush, is often hated, because, amongst, other things, he
has an African-American woman, as his most important, and
prestigious delegate. She sits with leaders of countries,
where women are without any positive advocacy, or
representation. She stands, equally, with them,
without a veil, and she looks them in the eye,
when speaking.

Condoleeza Rice, broke barriers, and achieved
monumental success, at a young age. I admire her
accomplishments. She is a great American leader,
as well. She's also, a concert pianist, as well,
as aspiring to be the President of the NFL,
when, she retires from politics.

She is a woman, for all seasons, yet, she has been
portrayed, as a hated symbol, in the un-free world,
and increasingly, in the communities, that should
be the proudest of her. It's a sign, of racist thinking,
imo, to portray this great woman, in the scurrilous,
scandalous, and demeaning ways, I've seen derived
from "liberal" sources, even from other African-Americans.
It's like self-hate, and vicious jealousy, to me.
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She's been the latest target, by the media, who should
give her slack. Diplomacy, in this world, right now, is
unimaginable. It's like criticizing a brain surgeon,
for leaving a scar, on the outside. None of us know the
work, required to sustain life, on the inside.
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Abraham Lincoln, would have been proud, to have her,
as a right hand, his Secretary of State, as a descendant,
of the slaves, in the South.

The change in our society, didn't happen,
immediately, after Lincoln's "Emancipation
Proclamation." It sustained a struggle,
lasting more than four more generations.
Like a dormant seed, in the ground, the
seeds take root, slowly, until the first
sprout, breaks through the hardened ground,
above. Then, the changes are rapid, as the
plant races upwards, towards the sun.

The seeds of freedom, for the slaves, were
sown, by President Lincoln, nourished by the
rain of young blood, of a generation of men,
who lost their lives, in open fields.

They fought for freedom, not only for themselves,
but, for their fellow human being, and the next
generations, who would reap the full rewards, of their

Condoleeza Rice wouldn't have had, the same life,
if she grew up, in places where women are not
allowed to vote, drive, or own businesses, let
alone, rise to power. She represents the
antithesis, of what is tolerated, in the
un-free world. She is the fruit of the
struggle for human rights, for women,
and minorities, in the USA.

She has overcome tremendous obstacles,
and prejudices, to become, the epitome
of the American dream.

The dream would be meaningless, without
a man, like George W. Bush, who, values her.
Far from an "affirmative action" position,
it was plainly, just giving the job, to who
he believed was the best.
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