Monday, September 11, 2006

Celebrity Reality TV

Former reality-star celebrity, Anna Nichole Smith,
gave birth to a daughter, a few days ago, but, awoke
today, to find her 20 year old son dead, in a chair by
her bedside, in the hospital where her daughter
was born.

It was heartbreaking news. When celebrities experience
tragedies, they have to grieve, in their fishbowls,
while being scrutinized by the media.

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aul McCartney is said to be willing to pay his
soon-to-be ex-wife, Heather Mills, an astonishing
sum, to never speak about their private lives, yet,
the media ferociously reports what it can, even
exaggerating small, tittillating factoids.

This week, we learned that Macca wrote many
songs, in his last album, "Chaos And Creation In
The Backyard," about Heather, the 38 year-old,
uni-pod humanitarian, ex-porn "model" and "escort,"
now dubbed, "Lady Mucca."

Many celebrities are hard to empathize with, as they
stumble through life, saying offensive, and obnoxious
things, offscreen, while driving drunk, all the time.

Even though it's awkward to mention Anna Nicole Smith,
in the same breath as Paul, it's very sad that she has
to endure this private tragedy, with the news being broadcast
far and wide. It's likewise a shame, that this painful chapter
in Sir Paul's life, is fodder, for cruel, and satirical mocking,
in thousands of publications, worldwide.

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