Friday, September 15, 2006


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Recovery means different things to people. We usually think
of drugs, or alcohol, but, there are many things, in our lives,
which are destructive, and are like demons, possessing our

I was fortunate to have recovered from drugs, while young.
Even when drugs were not hooking me in, I became obsessed
with other things.

My accident, was physical, and during my recovery, I hope
it is an opportunity for me to get right with God. I pray
that the LORD sanctifies me. I want to be worthy, on the
great day, when the veil is removed, and every eye sees
the Messiah, the God of Israel.

I'm not trying to be holier than anyone. I can't climb
a small hill, let alone the mountain of God. Without His
gentle grace, I am unable to achieve these goals. I pray
I get it right, and that He will lead, and I will follow. I believe
that in God, there is total freedom.

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